How to Find More Customers

...and Get Booked Solid in Your Wedding Makeup Business

How to find customers

Hey girl,

I know you're a talented solo makeup artist looking to learn how to find more customers, attract more local customers and really grow your business. It can be tough out there trying to stand out from the competition and consistently book clients, especially for weddings and special events. But don't worry, I've got you! As a wedding makeup specialist myself, I've learned some key strategies for finding more customers and building a thriving beauty business.

1. First things first - you need to get crystal clear on who your ideal customer is. Who is that dream bride or client you would love to work with? What's her style, personality, budget? Where does she hang out, both online and in-person? The better you understand your target market, the easier it will be to reach her with your marketing.

2. Once you know who you're trying to attract, it's time to make sure your branding and portfolio are speaking directly to them. Your website, social media, and all your marketing materials should showcase your unique style and vibe. Don't try to look like everyone else! Let your personality shine through and attract those clients who are a perfect fit.

 How to Find More Customers Without Spending All Day on Social Media

Now here's the key - you don't need to spend all day on social media or rely on referrals and word-of-mouth to get new customers. There are so many other ways to proactively market your business and reach those ideal clients. It's about working smarter, not harder.

One of the best ways to find more customers is by optimizing your website and online presence for SEO. Make sure you're using the right keywords, like "wedding makeup artist" and "bridal makeup specialist" so that you show up in search results when potential clients are looking for your services. Having a gorgeous website is great, but it won't do much if no one can find it!

3. Another strategy is to network and collaborate with other wedding vendors in your area, like photographers, planners, and venues. Building those relationships can lead to valuable referrals and even joint marketing opportunities. You could offer a special package or discount for their clients!

Don't be afraid to show off your expertise and provide value to potential customers through content marketing. Share makeup tips, tutorials, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into your business. This helps you attract your ideal clients while also building trust and authority in your niche.

Ready to Learn How to Find Customers Without Spending All Day on Social Media ...

e-book - Fully Booked

4. And speaking of attracting those ideal customers, a great way to do that is by getting featured in publications and blogs that your target market reads. Reach out to editors and pitch yourself for interviews, expert quotes, or even a full feature. Having that "as seen in" credibility can go a long way!

5. I also recommend diversifying your income streams so you're not relying solely on one-on-one client work. Could you offer virtual makeup lessons or sell a makeup product line? There are so many creative ways to boost your revenue while still doing what you love.

But I know what you're thinking - "This all sounds great, but I need customers NOW!" Trust me, I've been there. That's why I put together my ebook, "Fully Booked Makeup Artist" to give you the exact roadmap many others have used to fill their calendar with dream clients. 

Inside the ebook, I dive deep into the most effective marketing and business building strategies for makeup artists, and other beauty experts, including some little-known tactics that can help you book more clients ASAP. I share the exact email templates, scripts, processes others have used to save time and make the booking process a breeze.

You'll learn how to create an irresistible offer that makes you stand out from the competition and have clients eager to book with you. No more lowering your prices or feeling like you have to say yes to every inquiry!

I also teach you how to provide a VIP experience that turns your clients into raving fans who can't wait to refer you to their friends. Imagine having a wait list of ideal customers who are happy to pay your premium prices!

The best part is, the strategies in "Fully Booked Makeup Artist" are designed to help you build a thriving business without burning out or compromising your creativity and unique style. You'll learn how to work smarter, not harder, and create systems that allow you to make more money while freeing up your time and energy.

I know investing in an ebook can feel like a big decision, especially when you're just starting out in your makeup business. But think about it this way - the strategies and templates inside are the exact ones other makeup artists used to book out their services months in advance and create a wildly successful business doing what they love. And I want the same for you!

Plus, the ebook is an investment that will pay for itself over and over again. Even just one or two new clients can more than cover the cost, and you'll be able to use these proven strategies for years to come as you continue to grow and scale your business.

Are You Ready To Gain Financial Freedom Without a Fancy Website and Zero Clients

e-book - Fully Booked

So if you're ready to finally break through to the next level, attract a consistent stream of dream clients, and build the successful makeup business you've always wanted, I invite you to grab your copy of "Fully Booked Makeup Artist" today. It's time to stop struggling and start thriving as the in-demand beauty boss you truly are!

And hey, I'm here for you every step of the way. I can't wait to celebrate your success!

Xoxo, Jodie

Chief Glam Biz Officer 

Your BeautyBizCoach Bestie 💄✨