1. Beauty Home Party Games is a fun, creative way to get people into the spirit of your home party.
2. Home parties are an ideal place for demonstrations, and the people attending are already conditioned to buy your products. You can’t beat that kind of advertising, and what better place to demonstrate your products is in a casual setting, such as a makeup home party.
3. This kind of situation easily lends itself to Home Party Games, which can range anywhere from easy and simple such as answering questions during an eye shadow demonstration, to more elaborate games such crafting a face chart and having a judge vote on the top 3 winners.
4. Having fun and playing games is the perfect way to get people to interact with each other and adds important value to your home party and more important adds value to your business.
5. Makeup Home Party Games can help sell your products alot easier than you having to push your products on others.
They can help pull or attract people to products that they want to buy, and at the same time you are developing a relationship with guests in a relaxed atmosphere.
FYI- Invite your customers to Sign up for your Blog: You want to stay in touch with them to keep the momentum going.
This is key to building a relationship with your guests and booking future parties.
If you're interested in more ideas to build your makeup business, check out these other blog posts on Home Makeup Business Success Tips:
1. Create a Face-Chart- This one is alot of fun, and the results are as diverse as each Individual.
I would recommend that it be something that is consumable. This would be an opportunity to be able to follow up with them for further sales.
2. Models- This one is so much fun
This game is very interactive and a barrel of laughs. Those who don’t wish to participate can opt to be a judge.
This would be done after your demonstration.
HINT: The more interactive the party, the more fun people have, the more they buy! It's that simple. It also take the pressure off of you from having to do all of the work.
Try the Face Chart game at your next party, and see what happens.
I would love to hear what others have done at their makeup home parties. Share your comments below.
Have a Makeup Party Business Tip Success Story?