Let's Talk about Marketing List-Building

I know your ready to book more clients and make that money

Marketing list building tips

Hey girl,

Let's talk about marketing list-building. I know you want to book more clients and make that money as a local makeup artist or esthetician.

Building an email list is key to making that happen!

If Your Asking Yourself - How Do I get Clients Without Spending Money on Ads

e-book - Fully Booked

Marketing List-Building to Discover Your Dream Client
Without Burning Out

1. First off, you need the right tools. I've tried out a bunch of email marketing platforms and my faves are Aweber for a robust automation marketing list-building tool. They make it super easy to manage your contacts, send out emails, and track how many people are opening them. Trust me, these will save you so much time.

2. Another great tool is bitly for creating a click-worthy SMS message. It lets you create short links to put in your emails so you can see how many people are clicking through to your website or booking page. Genius, right? Gotta keep tabs on what's working.

3. Okay, so you've got the tech sorted. Now it's time to actually build that list! Start by adding a signup form to your website. Make it easy to find and enticing to fill out. Maybe offer a discount code or free makeup tip as a thank-you for signing up.

4. You can also collect emails in person at events or pop-ups. Have a clipboard or tablet ready and ask people if they want to join your list to hear about special offers and new services. In-person connections are so powerful for building real relationships with potential clients.

5. Another idea? Partner up with other local businesses that serve a similar clientele, like hair salons, clothing boutiques, or florists. See if they'll let you leave some signup cards at their register or include a link to your list in their customer emails. Collaborations can really help you tap into new audiences.

6. Social media is also your friend when it comes to marketing list-building. Regularly post about the perks of being on your email list and include a link to your signup form. You can even run a contest where people enter by providing their email. Get creative!

One thing to keep in mind: make sure you're only adding people who have actively chosen to join your list. Buying lists or adding people without their consent is a big no-no and can get you in trouble. Plus, you want an engaged audience that actually wants to hear from you.

7. Once you've got some subscribers, it's time to start sending out valuable content. Share your best makeup tips, skincare advice, or behind-the-scenes peeks. Show off your work with beautiful photos. Make your emails something people actually look forward to opening.

Learn How To Get Clients Without Going to a Ton of Bridal Shows

e-book - Fully Booked

If you're interested in more ideas to build your beauty business, check out these other blog posts:

8. You can also use your list to announce new services, seasonal specials, or last-minute openings in your schedule. Make it easy for people to book with you right from the email by including a link or call-to-action button.

9. Speaking of booking, let's talk about mobile wedding makeup. Brides are always looking for talented artists to help them look their best on the big day. Make sure to highlight your wedding makeup services in your email content and on your website. Share photos of past brides and glowing testimonials to show off your skills.

10. If you're just starting out, you might be wondering how to start a beauty business and get those first few clients. Building an email list can be a great way to spread the word and start booking gigs. Offer a special intro rate or package to your first 10 subscribers to encourage people to give you a try.

11. Another tip? Make it super easy for people to contact you. Include your phone number, email, and booking link in every email you send. Respond quickly to any inquiries or questions. Great communication is key to turning subscribers into paying clients.

12. As your list grows, make sure to segment it so you can send targeted content. Group people by location, interests, or past services they've booked. That way, you can send the most relevant info to each person and keep them engaged.

13. Don't be afraid to ask for feedback, either. Send out a quick survey asking what kind of content people want to see or what services they're most interested in. Use that info to guide your future emails and offerings. Showing you value their input will help build trust and loyalty.

Remember, building a list takes time and consistency. Don't get discouraged if you don't have hundreds of subscribers right away. Focus on providing value and nurturing the relationships you do have. Quality is more important than quantity.

14. Finally, don't forget the power of referrals. Encourage your current clients to forward your emails to their friends or share your signup link on social media. Word-of-mouth is still one of the best ways to grow your business and your list.

Are You Still Asking Yourself -
How Do I Get Clients Without Relying on Referrals

Then grab my copy of  "Fully Booked Makeup Artist " for more help without Burning out!

e-book - Fully Booked

You've got this, girl! With the right tools, strategies, and mindset, you can totally rock this marketing list-building thing. Stay focused on serving your audience and providing value, and the clients and income will follow. I'm rooting for you!

So if you're ready to finally break through to the next level, attract a consistent stream of dream clients, and build the successful makeup business you've always wanted. Whether you're a mobile wedding makeup artist, lash expert, brow specialist, or spray tan pro, these strategies will help you attract your dream clients, book more appointments, and make more money doing what you love.

Remember, you've got this! Keep shining and serving your clients with passion and purpose, and the rest will fall into place. I invite you to grab your copy of "Fully Booked Makeup Artist" today. It's time to stop struggling and start thriving as the in-demand beauty boss you truly are!

So go out there and make it happen! Your dream bridal business awaits.

And hey, I'm here for you every step of the way. I can't wait to celebrate your success!

Xoxo, Jodie

Chief Glam Biz Officer 

Your BeautyBizCoach Bestie 💄✨

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