12 Tips and Tricks To…Set Up Facebook Timeline for Creating Incentives and Inviting Engagement

Set up Facebook Timeline once the appearance of your Timeline or Facebook Page is looking good. Next, it’s time to and focus on your content.

First you need to invite engagement-

This means building relationships with your prospects, followers, and customers. Fortunately, this shouldn’t take long – especially if you’ve already given them a sense that they “know” you through your well-optimized Cover Photo and Profile Photo statement (reinforced by your App Tabs).

1. Listen to your followers – then answer. When someone makes a comment, start by clicking “Like” to acknowledge you’ve read the comment. This simple action in itself can be a powerful first contact, not to be underestimated. You’ve gone out of your way to connect – they’re flattered and pleased (even if they’re muttering it’s no big deal).

But that’s just the beginning. If someone has left a thoughtful or useful comment – For example, a specific compliment on your new look or a tidbit of truly unique information you can really use in your business or life – leave a comment as well; at the very least thank them for sharing that particular piece of information.

This will help build the know, like, and trust you engine.

And use their first names – people respond really well to this: It makes them feel you know who they are (and care). The sweetest thing to a person’s ear is to be acknowledged by their first name. Try this in person and see the reaction that you get.

Visit their Timelines and start scanning their posts, making note of what they’re all about.

i.e Get to know them, so you can make them feel that you care about them on a personal level.

Next time they post on your page or comment, not only will they feel like a “friend” to you, but (if you reply or acknowledge) you’ll feel like a friend to them.

And that’s the beginning of trust!

2. Be active – not static! People nowadays are looking for entertainment – even when they’re seeking serious information. One of the best ways to hook them is to present them with an interactive post.

For example:

· A post containing a question (“What was your funniest makeup party moment?”), a command (“Go check out my album right now…”) or an element of mystery that intrigues them into finding out more (“Check out my photo album right now --You won’t believe what that happened at my last eyebrow reshaping party!”)

3. Post photos of QR codes for people to scan – either as a custom App Tab or simply in your feed: This can be highly effective too. People who use QR code scanners on their mobiles love to find out what’s at the end of the rainbow. (Just make sure it’s worthwhile!) – perhaps offer a Freebie if they scan the app.

You can also combine two types of interactive content – by using a QR code to send your Facebook viewers to your own coupons, discounts and exclusive special offers.

4. Contests and sweepstakes- are also allowed on Facebook, and both are a great way to engage viewers – just make sure you absolutely follow the rules concerning these, using only Facebook-approved Apps to deliver them.

5. Include a photo- if you are sharing via a third-party App like HootSuite. Otherwise, you’ll lose both your Share and Comment button for that post – and the chance for people to engage. (And people often mention frustration when they want to comment on a post, but can’t.)

Include a photo anyway… no matter what the post. It will increase your audience, as Facebook will weigh your post more favorably and assign it more importance.

Use videos too (and add a Video app, if you haven’t done so already). Even if it’s a 60 second elevator speech. Let people get to know you.

6. Share content from Pinterest – especially if your audience is primarily female (and if they too share Pinterest content). Focus on sharing the sort of content they enjoy and don’t focus on yourself!

7. Cut down on the number of graphics “boards” and Pinterest photos you share- Don’t go crazy with a ton of photos. It will just annoy people, and make them leave quickly.

Similarly, if one post really incites Comments and/or Shares, resist the urge to post more content. That post is really working hard for you: Let it do its stuff!

8. Change your Cover Photo often. This is easy enough to do – simply hover your mouse over your Cover Photo and it will give you the option to “Change cover”.

When you’re commissioning a Cover Photo from your favorite designer, make it a bundle of at least three, so you can rotate them.

You don’t need to rotate your Profile Photo, but if you’re using a Headshot, update it at least once a year.

And, of course, if you want to include text into your Profile Photo for some special event, you can update it then.

9. Use Apps your audience will appreciate. We’ve already spoken at length about Apps, but just make sure you install third-party Apps that will add to your Timeline engagement – not bore or drive your audience away.

10. Remember those “Calls-to-Action!” As we mentioned earlier, a call to action can be anything that drives your followers to take action – a simple command, a question, a recommendation, a QR code, an URL or a blog post link.

Think about what you want your followers to do, this Facebook session, before you ever sign on. Jot it down. (E.G. “Ask them what their most fun summer makeup marketing activity is”) That way, you won’t get distracted by an urgent private message or a fascinating post.

11. Include Polls and Surveys – this is the quickest way to find out what your audience prefers!
For example: What is their favorite makeup party theme?

12. Be yourself. Whatever you do, don’t follow these tips so religiously that your Timeline and Facebook Page ends up feeling bland and generic! Do keep an eye on your Facebook overview, creating a healthy mix of post types.

The trick to making your posts feel highly personal, friendly and engaging without actually revealing intimate personal details or bombarding (or repelling) people with Too Much Information lies in sharing only personal items you think over fifty per cent of your followers will really enjoy.

How to Use Facebook's Timeline to Market Your Beauty Business

Make notes about every post that is wildly successful:

  • What image you used
  • Who (exactly) Liked it
  • Who made comments
  • What the gist of those comments were

Rules of Engagement

Most of all, when you set up facebook timeline to engage with your Facebook audience daily – post at least once a day.

Find out when your most active followers visit, and reserve at least a fifteen minute slot to post something, acknowledge Comments and “Likes” – and Comment/”Like”/Share others’ posts.

Let your followers know how valuable their lives, problems, insights, shares, photos and thoughts are to you – and you’ll become equally valued to them.

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